Heraklion Summer Festival 
ALEA III presented the following programs:
Voice Recital
Judith Kellock and Mark Aliapoulios present classical and modern songs.
Jazz, Folk, and Ragtime Music
Six Premieres
Premieres of six pieces written by Greek composers and commissioned by the Municipality of Heraklio.
Poetry by Yiannis Ritsos
Giorgos Kouroupos - Kivotio
Poetry by Aris Alexandrou

Poetry by Giorgos Seferis
July 4:
Christoforos Vassiliadis - Katharsi
Poetry by ancient and contemporary poets
Alex Kalogeras - Asma
Poetry by Odysseas Elytis
Konstantinos Kakavelakis - Psalmos
Poetry by Dimitris Kakavelakis
George Crumb - Vox Balaenae
Tour personnel:
Theodore Antoniou, conductor
Judith Kellock, soprano
Mark Aliapoulios, baritone
Susan Downey, flute
Disa English, oboe
Diane Heffner, clarinet
Jonathan Saylor, bassoon
Krista Smith, french horn
Rodney Mack, trumpet
John Faieta, trombone
Richard Flanagan, percussion
Adam Levinson, percussion
Janice Weber, piano
William Bauer, violin
Anita Tucker, violin
Scott Woolweaver, viola
Mark Simcox, violoncello
Michael Gorman, double bass
Alex Kalogeras, tour manager