"Scherzo" for viola and piano
by Richard Cornell (USA)
Mark Berger, viola
Yukiko Shimazaki, piano
Performed live at Boston University's Tsai Performance Center
685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
on February 1, 2012
During the ALEA III concert:
"BU Composers Conduct their Own Works".
More information is available here
This is a live archival recording.
Copyright ©: 2012 by ALEA III, Inc., Joshua Fineberg and Davide Ianni
All rights reserved
This "Scherzo" for viola and piano is a “down payment” on a projected multiple movement work for the Two Composers, Ketty Nez and Mark Berger. The piece might be subtitled something like “Fast Forward”, because I am exploiting the rapidity of interchange between two musical characters, and pushing them on with velocity. The viola, naturally lyrical, is quickly involved by a somewhat nervous piano into an almost frenetic dance. In the ensuing slightly jazzy conversation, the viola (chameleon-like) adopts a new character. Headlong momentum leaves no room for contemplation. (--R. C.)
The info above is available here